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Reinders - Poa Supina Shade Seed - 1 LB Bag
- Thrives on high-traffic areas and compacted soils
- Excellent cold tolerance
- Relatively poor drought and heat tolerance
- Superior shade tolerance
- Spreads by stolons to form a dense turf
- Seeding Rate: 1 LB/1,000 SQ FT
- Mix 1-2 LBS with 25 LBS of Shade Seed Mix
- Priced by the Pound
Supina bluegrass is a perennial cool season grass that spreads by stolons (lateral aboveground stems) to form a dense turf. Roots often develop at nodes, anchoring the stolons to the ground. The short ligules and thick stolons are especially useful to distinguish supina bluegrass from annual bluegrass and rough bluegrass. Leaf length and width is similar to that of Kentucky bluegrass.
Seedheads are produced annually each spring, usually early to mid-May, and are distinguished from annual bluegrass seedheads by their purple seed coverings. Seedheads can be produced at any mowing heigh though are more common at higher heights. Seedhead production declines each year of the turf stand.
The color of supina bluegrass is typically a light green which helps the grass to stand out compared to darker green ornamental foliage or grasses.
Additional Features:
Superior Shade Tolerance
This grass is one of the best choices for densely shaded, moist sites. It can grow in as much as 90% shade. In dry shaded sites, fine fescues should be used.
Excellent Cold Tolerance
Supina bluegrass is one of the first grasses to green up as the snow melts in later winter and early spring. Root and shoot growth begins as early as March.
Supina bluegrass should receive 1-1-1/2" of water per week to maintain medium- to high-quality turf. Irrigate at least once or twice a week except during periods of frequent rainfall. Use the higher rate of irrigation during hot (>80°F) or windy conditions. Sandy soils will require more frequent irrigation than loam or clay soils. Do not irrigate to the point of runoff; instead, allow the water to soak into the soil before completing irrigation.
Relatively few diseases occur on supina bluegrass and major problems are rare. Occasional diseases of supina bluegrass include dollar spot, microdochium patch (pink snow mold), pythium blight, and summer patch. The best way to limit damage from disease is by providing proper growing conditions and good fertility.
For Use On
- High traffic areas
- Golf courses
- Athletic feilds
- Densly shaded and moist sites
Seeding Rate
1 LB/1,000 SQ FT