Plant Food Co - FloThru™ A-Plus Penetrant & Bicarbonate Reducer

  • Even spray coverage on leaf blade
  • Faster and even water penetration into soil
  • Consistent soil moisture due to uniform water movement
  • Dissolving bicarbonates which provide available soil calcium for an extended period due to the long-lasting acid
  • Contains Salicylic Acid (SA) which will improve the plant’s ability to recover from heat and drought stress
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FloThru™ A-Plus is an acid-based penetrant that dissolves bicarbonates and frees calcium. Available soil calcium will then displace soil sodium. The penetrant “flattens” droplet beading by reducing water tension. This results in even coverage of sprays on leaf blade. The penetrant also provides even water penetration into the soil which reduces localized dry spots. The double action of FloThru™ A-Plus results in:

  • Even spray coverage on leaf blade
  • Faster and even water penetration into soil
  • Consistent soil moisture due to uniform water movement
  • Dissolving bicarbonates which provide available soil calcium for an extended period due to the long-lasting acid

ALPHA MAT Solutions- These are exclusive Plant Food Company products which utilize our proprietary Mineral Acid Technology as the foundation to each formulation. This long-lasting acid based material performs for 21-28 days by releasing tied up nutrients, plus contains a soil penetrant for uniform water movement and salicylic acid that helps the plant manage the available moisture.

Will ALPHA MAT Solutions benefit you? When you get a heavy rainfall, does your turf “green up” dramatically a day after? If you are nodding your head YES, then ALPHA MAT Solutions will work wonders for you. This overnight green up is likely due to high bicarbonate soils. Why does this happen? Rain water pH is low and this acidic rain water solubilizes tied-up calcium bicarbonate. The available calcium can displace the sodium, and overnight, you will witness a greener, healthier turf.

When you have tied up soil nutrients, they cause no harm, but they are also not usable. So, what breaks the bonds and makes these nutrients available? The answer: ACIDS. When you can acidify the moisture around the bonded nutrients, the acidity of the water (high amounts of hydrogen) will weaken the bonds allowing the bonded nutrients to be released. In other words, ACID based products, such as ALPHA MAT Solutions, will solubilize nutrients and make them more available for plant up-take.

For Use On:

  • Greens, Tees, Fairways, and Roughs
  • Fine Turf
  • Sports Turf
  • Lawns


Greens, Tees and Fine Turf: Apply 0.7-3 OZ with 1.5–2 GAL of water/1,000 SQ FT (0.25–1 GAL with 66–88 GAL of water/ACRE) every 1-2 weeks. Apply 1.5 OZ rate weekly or 3 OZ rate biweekly. Does not need to be irrigated immediately, but should be irrigated the night of application to facilitate results. NOTE: The FloThru™ A-Plus is very effective in “pulling” water through the soil profile. If soil becomes too dry, reduce the rate on successive applications.

Correcting Localized Dry Spot (LDS): Apply 3 OZ with 1.5-2 GAL of water/1,000 SQ FT. Irrigate immediately for 20 MIN to move into soil profile.

Sodium Flush Application: Apply 3 OZ with 4 OZ of Sugar Cal 10% Calcium with 1.5–2 GAL of water/1,000 SQ FT. Irrigate immediately for a minimum of 20 MIN to move into and through the soil profile. This tank mix will dissolve soil bicarbonates that will deliver additional calcium to dislodge and displace sodium salts, while correcting LDS.

Fairways, Roughs, Sports Turf and Lawns: Apply 0.5–1 GAL with 44-88 GAL of water/ACRE (1.5-3 OZ with 1-2 GAL of water/ 1,000 SQ FT) throughout the growing season on warm, transitional and cool season grasses.

FloThru ™ A-Plus is compatible with most technical materials when tank mixed with adequate water volume.

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