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Reinders Highway Grass Seed- Exceed Expectations While Meeting Wisconsin DOT Specifications
Seeding and maintaining slopes, appurtenances, and other areas under the Wisconsin Department of Transportation guidelines can be tedious work. Reinders wants to make sure you’re stocked with exceptional product that’s ready to help in every job you take on and formulated to get you high-quality results. Shop Reinders Highway Grass Seed and Native Grass Seed Mix to find the proper materials using the correct formulas for all your contracted highway needs. Properly seed and maintain anything from ditches, inslopes, and median areas, to borrow pits, material disposal sites, and more. Choose from Wisconsin DOT seed mixtures that fit your project’s location needs and meet with the engineer’s approval.
Find the Right Wisconsin DOT Highway Grass Seed for Your Needs
The DOT has formulated specific grass seed mixes to ensure uniformity and consistency for particular areas and turfs. Taking on contracts for these areas doesn’t need to be complicated when you shop our selection of Reinders Highway Grass Seed and Native Grass Seed Mix. Take a look at some of our options to find the right native grass seed mix to tend to the next job on your schedule.
Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 10 Seed Mix
This seed mix is 40% Kentucky Bluegrass 98-85, 25% Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Perennial Rye Grass, 10% White Clover, and 5% Red Top. This specific combination is used for-
- Average loam, heavy clay, or moist soils predominate
- All ditches, inslopes, median areas, and low fills, except where using No. 30 or No. 70
- Borrow pits and material disposal sites
Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 20 Seed Mix
Use this No. 20 Seed Mix to achieve a 6% Kentucky Bluegrass 98/85, 15% Creeping Red Fescue, 24% VNS Hard Fescue, 40% VNS Turf Tall Fescue, and 15% Perennial Rye Grass combination. This seed mix is for use on-
- Light, dry, well-drained, sandy, or gravely soils predominate
- High cut and fill slopes generally exceeding 6' - 8', except where using No. 70.
- All ditches, inslopes, median areas, and low fills, except where using No. 30 or No. 70.
- Borrow pits and material disposal sites
Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 30 Seed Mix
With a seed mix of 10% Kentucky Bluegrass 98/85, 30% Creeping Red Fescue, 25% VNS Hard Fescue, 15% Salt Grass, and 20% VNS Improved Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass, this seed mixture formula is made to be used on medians and on slopes or ditches, generally within 15’ of the shoulder, where salt-tolerant turf is preferred.
Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 40 Seed Mix
Choose this grass seed mix for urban or other areas where a lawn-type turf is desired. The mixture proportions on this formula are 35% Kentucky Bluegrass 98/85, 30% Creeping Red Fescue, 20% VNS Hard Fescue, and 15% VNS Improved Fine Leaf Perennial Ryegrass.
Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 60 Seed Mix
No. 60 seed mix is only used on areas the contract designates or the engineer specifies. Use it as a cover seeding for newly graded wet areas or as a nurse crop for specified wetland seed mixtures. Note that it should not be applied to flooded areas. This seed mix is 12% Timothy, 10% Canada Wild Rye, 30% Annual Ryegrass, 4% Alsike Clover, 4% Red Clover, 20% Japanese Millet, and 20% Annual Oats.
Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 70 Native Seed Mix
The native seed mixes are more complex formulas that contain wild type forbs and grasses. Wild-type is defined as seed that is derived directly from native, wild stock, including seed that was wild-collected and placed into production or has been harvested directly from native stands. No. 70 Native Seed Mix is explicitly used on-
Slopes and upland areas the contract designates or the engineer specifies
Loamy soils
Nurse crop
Borrow pits and material disposal sites
Be sure to use Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 75 Native Seed Mix when a native seed mix is desired for erosion control or Reinders- Wisconsin DOT No. 80 Native Seed Mix if you’re tackling an inslope that needs a salt-tolerant mix.