Syngenta - Greens Protection Solution Pallet

  • (6) Cases of Appear II
  • (1) Case of Briskway
  • (2) Cases of Velista
  • Treats approximately 12 ACRES
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Territory Restriction - IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD, WI

Available for Sale

in IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD, WI

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Appear II

Appear® II fungicide controls important diseases including Pythium and anthracnose, while enhancing color, turf quality and stress tolerance. Agronomic programs with Appear II excel when tank mixed with Daconil® Action™ or Secure® Action fungicides

Appear® II fungicide enhances control of key diseases like Pythium and anthracnose while improving stress tolerance and turf quality. Appear II has been proven to consistently improve the performance of fungicide treatments, especially disease control and turf quality. On the inside, a phosphite fungicide is immediately available and quickly absorbed by the plant in its most active form.

On the outside, a unique pigment provides a deep, natural green color that results in enhanced turf quality. Additionally, Appear II is designed for easy tank mixing with Daconil® Action™ or Secure® Action fungicides to enhance golf course agronomic programs.

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Briskway® fungicide contains a cooling DMI (Demethylation Inhibitors) active ingredient – difenoconazole – paired with azoxystrobin, the proven strobilurin active ingredient found in Heritage™ fungicide. The dual modes of action from the two actives work together at a calculated rate that performs in high temperatures and controls over 20 summer turf diseases including dollar spot. Applications can be made at low use rates in any region under conditions susceptible to hot and humid climates without any heat restrictions or negative PGR effects.

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Velista® fungicide is a water dispersible granule applied as a foliar or broadcast treatment to control listed diseases on turf use sites specified on the label. The active ingredient, penthiopyrad, inhibits fungal respiration by binding and is not cross-resistant with other classes of fungicide chemistry. When used in rotation with Briskway® fungicide, Velista delivers excellent control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures shift from warm to hot. Apply Velista preventatively. Begin applications when conditions favor disease development.

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Syngenta Crop Protection LLC
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