Big Chill BlueprintBig Chill Blueprint

Welcome to The Big Chill Blueprint, a commercial complex with a variety of different walking, driving, and parking surfaces. Our Snow and Ice Removal experts have created this hypothetical environment to offer real and comprehensive product recommendations, maintenance strategies, and pro-tips to help you navigate any icy challenge winter can dish out.

Blueprint InfographicBlueprint Infographic


Driveway / Roadway / Parking Lot

Things to Consider

It's a best practice to pretreat these heavy traffic areas before a storm with a brine. This will help with snow removal and clean-up during and after a winter event.

Product Recommendations

Pro Tip

Wetting your rock salt with liquid calcium chloride at the spinner will give you the extra boost needed to melt in cold temperatures, which will then break the bond between ice and pavement for cleaner, faster clearing.


Sidewalk / Entryway

Things to Consider

Push the snow to the curb for the parking lot crew to remove, which optimizes the snow removal process.

Product Recommendations

Pro Tip

Calibrate your spreaders prior to the season and once during the season to minimize the waste of product, which will save you money.


"Fancy" Entryway

Things to Consider

Winter-related repair costs can average $50 per 1000 sq. ft. at main entrance areas and lobbies due to chloride damage. Use non-chloride ice melters, like KF50+ to prevent costly damage.

Product Recommendations

Pro Tip

Shovel first, and then apply liquid ice melters. If there's pending precipitation or ice build-up, use a solid de-icer.


Parking Structure

Things to Consider

In order to protect the structural integrity of the building, minimize the use of de-icing products that contain corrosive chlorides.

Product Recommendations

Pro Tip

Use a fan tip nozzle to get better coverage with your liquid ice melters and less product overuse/waste.


Inter-Complex Sidewalks

Things to Consider

Sidewalks and parking lots are the main arteries of a complex, so it is important to have them thoroughly cleared to allow safe entry into buildings. Scraping to the pavement and applying a small amount of granular or liquid ice melt won't allow for tracking product into buildings while preventing the dangerous accumulation of ice for slip and falls.

Product Recommendations

Pro Tip

It is important to clear your sidewalk from edge to edge in every storm. One incomplete pass will allow hard pack to build up, narrowing your walking path with each additional event.


North Side of building vs South Side

Things to Consider

Air and ground temperatures can vary when you are treating snow and ice on the north side of a building versus the south. Daytime sun will help heat up your south parking lot and allow for rock salt to work. On the northside in shade products such as calcium chloride might be needed as they melt at lower temps.

Product Recommendations

Pro Tip

It is key to remove all snow and ice in a north-facing lot, the lack of sun will keep refreezing the snow and ice and creating hazards for pedestrians. This is a time when using a low-effective temperature working product such as calcium chloride is recommended.

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